Maggie's Blog

The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.

Open quantum system

Lecture Linblad master equation Prof. Gabriel T. Landi Matteo A. C. Rossi Open quantum systems Light matter interaction Books The quantum theory of open system --2007 S...


Lecture August.2024 LSM theorem--Oshikawa$(2024.8.29)$ November.2024 Fermi polariton---Huihu $(2024.11.12)$ Two dimensional ferromagnet induced by long range interaction---Youjin Deng ...

Mathematical physics

Some notes Evan Chen Li yuan Chen Topology Homotopy Homology Differentional geometry 物理学家用的微分几何 Group and symmetry Physics from Symmetry--- Schwichtenberg ### 4 gr...

Field theory lecture

Field theory lecture Lecture Notes On Field Theory In Condensed Matter Physics-- Christopher Mudry A.Zee quantum field theory note Axial anomaly Asymptotic freedom and the beta-funct...

Group theory Lecture

Group theory lecture Symmetry Symmetry on physics With Applications to Quantum Mechanics and Solid State Physics Lecture Notes on Group Theory in Physics--Arovas 分子对称性和群论基础 Lie gr...


Quantum Hall effect Geometry and dynamics in the fractional quantum Hall effect: from graviton oscillation to quantum many-body scars--Papic Geometry of "flux attachment" in the fractional q...

Research interest

Research interest $SO(5)$ Landau regularization Uncovering Conformal Symmetry in the 3D Ising Transition: State-Operator Correspondence from a Quantum Fuzzy Sphere Regularization $SO(5)$ quan...

Classical literature

Classical literature Quantum optics Wigner flow on the sphere Strongly correlated quantum walks with a 12-qubit superconducting processor Quantum Hall effect Fractional quantum hall F...

Hand drafting note

Hand drafting note Lecture 秦琼 Condense matter theory superconductivity Electron phonon interaction Unconventioal superconductivity (I) p wave superconductor (2) Yang lecture Ya...

Some useful links

Physicists John Cardy Lorentz group notes -- David Williams Yi Zhuang You Gregory Moore Gandhi Viswanathan (Grassmann integral ) 电磁学--刘俊明 Congjun WU Nathan--Goldman ...