Classical literature Quantum optics Wigner flow on the sphere Strongly correlated quantum walks with a 12-qubit superconducting processor Quantum Hall effect Fractional quantum hall Fractional Quantum Hall States of Bosons The Chern Simons Laudau Ginzburg theory of Fractional quantum hall effect -Shou Cheng Zhang (1992) Four dimensional quantum hall Exact Microscopic Wave Function for a Topological Quantum Membrane--Schou Cheng Zhang Ergodic Edge Modes in the 4D Quantum Hall Effect Quantum hall on the sphere Spherical Harmonics and Monopole Harmonics--M.K.Fung Noncommutative geometry on Quantum hall effects Noncommutative geometry, extended $W_{\infty}$ algebra, and Grassmannian solitons in multicomponent quantum Hall systems --Hesebe Noncommutative Chern-Simons theory and exotic geometry emerging from the lowest Landau level--Yue Yu Superfluid A theoritical description of new phase $^3He$ ---Legget Quantum field theory Conformal theory Operator content of two-dimensional conformally invariant theories--John Cardy,1986 Conformal Invariance, the Central Charge, and Universal Finite-Size Amplitudes at Critieality--John Cardy,1986 Noncommutative field theory Noncommutative field theory--Michael Douglas Fermi surface topology Quantized Nonlinear Conductance in Ballistic Metals--Charles Kane Euler-Chern correspondence via topological superconductivity--Fan yang Topological physics Topological classification Classification of topological insulators and superconductors in three spatial dimensions--Andreas W. W. Ludwig Periodic table for topological insulators and superconductors--Kitaev Topological insulators and superconductors: tenfold way and dimensional hierarchy--Shinsei Ryu Classification of topological quantum matter with symmetries--Shinsei Ryu Topological invariant Theory of quantised Hall conductivity in two dimensions--Streda(1982) Simplified Topological Invariants for Interacting Insulators--Zhong Wang Monopole Dirac monopole from $S^3$ to $S^2$ -- Ryder Previous Hand drafting note Next Research interest CATALOG FEATURED TAGS Group theory Condense matter theory Field theory Open quantum systems FRIENDS Dr. Vadim Kaplunovsky Kevin Fossez