Field theory lecture Lecture Notes On Field Theory In Condensed Matter Physics-- Christopher Mudry A.Zee quantum field theory note Axial anomaly Asymptotic freedom and the beta-function $\phi^4$ , $2d \sigma-$ model, $QCD$--David Oehri Callan-Symanzik method as a finite approach to QFT: non-renormalizable theory case--Yulia Ageeva Advanced Quantum Field Theory--Miguel Classical Yang Mills field Quantum Field Theory II--ETH Zurich,Babis Anastasiou Membranes,Hopf maps,phase interaction--Yong Shi Wu Solutions of the Maxwell and Yang-Mills Equations Associated with Hopf Fibrings-Tautman (1977) Solutions to Yang-Mills Field Equations in Eight Dimensions and the Last Hopf Map QCD vacuum and Instantons Instantons and their applications--Flip Tanedo Quaternionic field theory Quaternionic Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Fields--Adler String theory Gauge field and string--Polyakov String theory$(1)$--Polkinski String theory $(2)$--Polkinski An introduction to balck holes, information, and the string theory revolution Lectures on Matrix Field Theory--Badis Ydri Conformal field theory Conformal field theory lecture EPFL Lectures on Conformal Field Theory EPFL Lectures on Conformal Field Theory--Springer Conformal Field Theory with Boundaries and Defects--C. P. Herzog Lectures on Conformal Field Theories in more than two dimensions--Hugh Osborn Conformal Field Theories Beyond Two Dimensions--Alex Atanasov 2D CFT and the Ising Model--Alex Atanasov Soliton Topological and non-topological solitons in scalar field -- Shnir, Yakov Mathematical physics Håvard Damm-Johnsen--Galois theory Instanton--Michael Atiyah Quantum field theory–Qing Wang Quantum field theory lecture Introduction to quantum field theory--Qing Wang Quantum mechanics and special relativity--Qing Wang Free field theory--Qing Wang Quantum mechanics and special relativity--Qing Wang Free field--Qing Wang Green function--Qing Wang chapter3--Qing Wang QED--Qing Wang 候选小题目--Qing Wang Quantum field theory (2011) Lecture1--Qing Wang Lecture2 --Qing Wang Lecture3 --Qing Wang Lecture4 --Qing Wang Quantum field theory --Ling Fong Li Quantum Field Theory, Note 2 --Ling Fong Li QFT-Canonical Quantization --Ling Fong Li QFT Perturbation Theory --Ling Fong Li Quantum field theory --Ling Fong Li Quantum field theory --Ling Fong Li Renormalization --Ling Fong Li Symmetry and Conservation Laws --Ling Fong Li Homework HW1 HW2 HW3 Entanglement entropy Introduction to the Ryu-Takayanagi Formula Previous Group theory Lecture Next Mathematical physics CATALOG FEATURED TAGS Group theory Condense matter theory Field theory Open quantum systems FRIENDS Dr. Vadim Kaplunovsky Kevin Fossez