Quantum Hall effect Geometry and dynamics in the fractional quantum Hall effect: from graviton oscillation to quantum many-body scars--Papic Geometry of "flux attachment" in the fractional quantum Hall effect-Haldane Geometry and entanglement entropy -- Haldane Graviton modes in fractional quantum hall liquids--Yu zhou Wang Noncommutative geometry on Landau levels -Hesebe Symmetry and phases in cold atomic and condensed matter systems-Shou cheng Zhang Hopf terms for ayons--Nicolai Lang $SU(4)$ Hubbard model Quantum hall and entanglement entropy --N. Shibata Entanglement spectrum of fractional quantum hall states Gapless spectrum and FQHE and topological insulators--Haldane Quantum Entanglement and Topological Order--Ashvin Vishwanath Hubbrad model $SU(N)$ Hubbard model on honeycomb--Assaad one dimensional exact solution--jun peng Cao Wu lecture Condensed matter physics --Cong Jun WU Frustrated superfluidity--Cong Jun Wu Hidden Symmetry and Quantum Phases in Spin $\frac{3}{2}$ Cold Atomic Systems--Cong Jun Wu Progress on Itinerant Electrons – Ferromagnetism, Curie-Weiss Metal, and Spin-orbit Ordering--Cong Jun Wu Frustrated superfluidity--Cong Jun Wu The Symmetry Principle in Condensed Matter Physics--Cong Jun Wu Helical Luttinger liquid --Cong Jun WU Slater and Mott Physics of SU$(N)$ Hubbard models--Congjun WU Unconventional(nematic) Metamagnetism in the $t_{2g}$-orbital System of $Sr_3Ru_2O_7$--Congjun WU Unconventional magnetism and spontaneous spin-orbit ordering--Congjun WU Quaternionic Landau level --Congjun WU Symmetry and Correlation Aspects of Quantum Dynamics --Congjun WU $T$-invariant Decomposition and the Sign Problem in Quantum Monte Carlo Simulations --Congjun WU Quantum States with $\mathrm{Sp(2N)}$, $\mathrm{SU(2N)}$ and $\mathrm{G_2}$ symmetries --Congjun WU Spin $\frac{3}{2}$ princeton --Congjun WU Entangle ment Enropy Entanglement Entropy and AdS/CFT--Tadashi Takayanagi Quantum Hall state and entropy--Shibata Deconfined quantum critical points Deconfined Quantum Critical Points--Senthil Deconfined quantum criticality--Senthil Duality in Condensed Matter Physics and Quantum Field Theory--Eduardo Fradkin Deconfined quantum critical points--Leon Balents Phases of (2+1)D $\mathrm{SO5}$ non-linear sigma model with WZW term on a sphere: Multi-critical point and disorder phase--Binbin Chen Intro to deconfined criticality & related ideas--Adam Nahum Topological terms Topological Terms of Nonlinear Sigma models--Cen Ke Xu Berry phase and supersymmetry--David Tong Weiss-Zumino model Superconductivity Electron-Electron Interaction Driven Exotic SCs on Quasicrystals--Fan Yang Concepts-in-high-temperature-superconductivity-- Kilveson $SO(5)$ superconductivity-S.C.Zhang Physics of Doped Mott-Hubbard Insulators and the High-Temperature Superconductors--Claudius Gros Field theory Thoughts About Quantum Field Theory--Nathan Seiberg Field Theory and Electroweak Standard Model--Faisal Akram Field Theory and Electroweak Standard Model--Faisal Akram Topological physics General Theory of Topological Insulators-Shou cheng Zhang Dissipationless quantum spin current at room temperature--S.C.Zhang The spin Hall effect--S.C.Zhang The Persistent Spin Helix--S.C.Zhang Semiclassical theory for Bloch electrons to second order in electromagnetic fields--Qian Niu Berry Phase Effects on Electronic Properties--Qian Niu Topology in solid state physics, a historical overview--Ming chang Che Band Topology Theory and Topological Materials Prediction--翁红明 Topological Field Theory for p-wave SC--Hansson Symmetry, Geometry, and Topological Phases --Taylor Huges The KZ Anomaly in Topological Insulators Topological Field Theory for p-wave SCs--Hannson Electrodynamics in topological insulators--Moore Electrodynamics in topological insulators--Moore Abelian and non-Abelian gauge fields in the Brillouin zone for insulators and metals--Moore Quantum spin liquid Jordan-Wigner Transformation and Topological characterization of quantum phase transitions in the Kitaev mode--Tao Xiang Quantum spin liquids--Simon Trebst Characterizing spin liquids and topological orders in model wavefunctions and Hamiltonians--Frank Pollmann LSM theorem Quantum Spin Chains and von Neumann Algebra Lieb-Schultz-Mattis type theorem without continuous symmetry--Hal Tasaki SPT and topological index in quantum spin chain--Hal Tasaki Generalized Lieb-Schultz-Mattis theorems from the SPT perspective--Jian Chao Ming Anomaly Matching and Symmetry-protected Criticality in 1d Quantum Many-body Systems--Chang-Tse Hsieh The Haldane Phase as a Symmetry-Protected Topological Phase and Quantum Entanglement--Masaki Oshikawa Anomaly and Symmetry-Protected Critical Phases--Masaki Oshikawa Higher symmetry ’t Hooft anomalies, phases, and domain walls--Erich Poppitz Reviving the Lieb–Schultz–Mattis Theorem in Open Quantum Systems--Chengshu Li Conformal field 3D Ising Model and Conformal Bootstrap--Slava Rychkov Mixed Correlators in 3D Conformal Field Theories--Alex Atanasov The Ising model in Conformal Field Theory--Paolo Molignini Quantum chaos, Black holes and Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) models--JinWU Ye Quantum chaos, Black holes and Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) models--JinwU Ye A 3d Ising model with a weakly-coupled string dual--Mc Greevy Topological phase classification Classification of topological insulators and superconductors and D-branes--Shinzei Ryu Symmetry protected topological phases and "orbifolds"--Shinzei Ryu Machaine learning 从伊辛模型到神经网络: 2024物理诺奖解读--张潘 Quantum anomaly Anomalies and $\theta$ terms on the lattice--Hersh Singh 't Hooft anomaly matching condition and Chiral symmetry breaking without fermion bilinear condensate--Oshikawa Symmetries and Their Generalizations in Topological Phases of Matter--ShuHeng Shao New ’t Hooft anomalies and the phases of gauge theories--Erich Poppitz Global inconsistency and ’t Hooft anomaly in bifundamental gauge theories at finite theta angles --Yuta Kikuchi Generalized Symmetries in Quantum Field Theory --Clay Córdova Generalized Global Symmetries in QFTs via String Compactifications --Lakshya Bhardwaj Quantum anomaly pro.pdf -Mozo Quantum many body scar Group Invariant States as Quantum Many-Body Scars--Igor R. Klebanov Exact eigenstates of multicomponent Hubbard models: $\mathrm{SU(N)}$ magnetic η pairing and weak ergodicity breaking-Masaya Nakagawa Previous Research interest Next Group theory Lecture CATALOG FEATURED TAGS Group theory Condense matter theory Field theory Open quantum systems FRIENDS Dr. Vadim Kaplunovsky Kevin Fossez